Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Kayak Class

Never been in one, a kayak that is.
I'm driving nearly three hours to be in an all-day class
on the White River in Bull Shoals State Park outside of Mountain Home, Arkansas.

I turned 60 this year, so I may be loosing my mind.
Or I may be trying to catch up.
Or I may be tired of  "all work and no play."

No matter.
I am glad I have the gusto and guts to go.

Hope I don't sunburn myself to melanoma stage.
Hope I don't act like the oldest, dumbest, weakest one in the group.
Hope my new lunch bag doesn't secretly give off an image about me like "She's old" or
"She's an oar short" or "She sure doesn't know how to pick out lunch bags."
I better be more worried about staying afloat than about my image.

KAYaking  here I come!!! Yippeeeee!

Writing Jitters

I'm taking a break from writing to write.

This week is my vacation—my writing vacation.
And eating out with friends.
And shopping for a new bed and mattress and sofa.
And taking a day's class of learning how to kayak on the

(I like it that kayaking starts with my name.... KAY.)

I'm on chapter two of six.

When concentrating for longer than 30
I get jittery and want to do other things
Like go Krogering
or write on my blog
or snack on popcorn chips and Oreo Thin Mint cookies
or walk in the neighborhood (exercise
MUST become a part of my life)
or water my yard
or buy makeup at Dillards
or make chocolate rice-crispy candies for friends and
or love on my cat
or do another load of clothes.

How do I keep my bottom still in the seat?
How do I stay focused?
How do I stop wandering?

Must get better at discipline.

But then I've said that to myself for YEARS.


Back to writing.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

N o  MorE  FaCEboOk

I've needed to do this for a while.

Leave Facebook.
Sign off.
Get away.
Use time differently.

So I did it.

Hope I don't go into the Facebook delirious tremors.

I have one plug-in to social media.


Not Instagram.
Not Tumbler.
Not Twitter.
Not SnapChat.

OK I do have Pinterest. But I haven't built it or kept it up or followed anybody.
I probably will now.

Oh and LinkedIn. Probably need to give that some serious attention.

Now I've unplugged that ONE thing.


There goes my social life. Sigh......

Maybe, just maybe, I will discover a new life
after  Facebook.

. . . for now . . .