Monday, May 18, 2015

Unleash Me

I am a woman who wants to. . .
Write, love and be loved, enjoy, travel, be, relate and be related to, pray, heal and be healed, and
worship and know The One who made me.

No more am I just interested in a 9 to 5 job (fine print: “with some evenings and weekends”).
No more am I intrigued by problem-solving   
      meetings and topically designed
               committees which only end up
being more notes in the minutes with more meetings needed in the future for more notes in the minutes . . . .
No more am I gratified
            by numbers, output, quantity, or scores.

I find time extremely valuable.
I find real conversations extremely valuable.
I find love and joy the most important among the trophies of skills, talents, abilities, possessions, positions, and titles.

What kind of “job” is that?
What vocational calling is that?

My Lord and my God, I am listening to you.

Amid this crowd of clamoring thoughts in my mind,
you stoop to write a message
in the soil of my heart and soul with your finger.

Unleash me from my fears and oughts and help me respond beyond my comfortable boundaries I have set and rules I have made.
by Kay